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A Beginner’s Guide To Low Impact Exercise

You know that exercise can make you healthier. However, you may have issues that rule out running or playing basketball. Low impact movements are one way to protect your body while you work out.   Activities like walking can help you enjoy a higher quality of life if you’re living with chronic medical conditions. They also can give you options when you want a gentler workout from time to time. Learn more with this introduction to low impact exercise. Pin Me Benefits of Low Impact Exercise   High intensity workouts receive a lot of attention, but you can enjoy the advantages of being active without sprinting or jumping rope. Remember that low impact workouts can be highly effective.   Protect your joints. One of the most common reasons for choosing low impact exercise is preventing damage to joints, bones, and connective tissue. Even if your knees are healthy, they might like a break from running on sidewalks. Lose weight. Excess pounds are another thing that stresses your bones. Rely on low impact workouts to burn calories while you slim down. Condition your heart. Multiple studies confirm that low impact exercise can reduce your risk of heart disease. Depending on your fitness level, you can take it easy, or work at elevating your heart rate. Have a safe pregnancy. Your doctor may recommend switching to low impact movements when you’re expecting. Current guidelines suggest at least two and a half hours of aerobic activity each week for healthy pregnant women. Speed up recovery. Prevent over-training and injuries by taking days off to rest. You might do CrossFit four times a week, and walk or take Zumba classes in between.   Ideas For Low Impact Workouts   Any activity that allows you to keep one foot on the ground qualifies as low impact. While that often means gentler workouts, you have a wide range of options, and strategies for increasing the intensity. Walk more. It’s convenient, simple, and free. Walking is also a great way to start moving if you’ve been sedentary for a while. Ride your bike. Cycle on a machine or outdoors. For an extra challenge, adjust the settings, or pick a route that sends you up hills. Row your boat. Moderate paddling burns about 400 calories while you’re sitting down. It tones your whole body too. Do yoga. Enjoy the mental and physical health benefits of practices that connect your body and mind. Yoga, Pilates, and Tai Chi enhance your balance, and increase strength and flexibility. Lift weights. Resistance training builds muscle and helps you burn more calories even when you’re at rest. Visit a gym or buy dumbbells you can use at home. Do body weight exercises like pushups during TV commercials. Swim laps. Exercising in water is low impact even when both feet leave the ground. That’s because the water supports your weight. For variety, try aqua aerobics. Squat and lunge. Some of the toughest lower body exercises are low impact. Experiment with different varieties of squats and lunges to keep your workouts interesting and productive. Climb stairs. Real steps or machines are another way to challenge your lower body. For beginners, buy step platforms that you can adjust, and use for a variety of exercises. Speed up. Your body adapts to any familiar activity, so you may have to try new things to continue seeing results. One of the easiest ways to increase intensity is to move faster. You might want to add arm movements too.   Take a look at our Services and Products to get you moving, fit and healthy.   Online Coaching: Ready to take your fitness to the next level with personalized guidance? Sign up for our Online Coaching program today and start your journey to a healthier you! All-Things Life & Fitness Community: Join our All-Things Life & Fitness Community to connect with like-minded individuals, share your progress, and stay motivated. Become a member now and transform your lifestyle! Fit in 30 Days for Busy Professionals eBook with complimentary Fitness Journal/Tracker: Transform your fitness routine with our ‘Fit in 30 Days for Busy Professionals’ eBook! Get practical, time-saving workouts and a complimentary fitness tracker to help you stay on track. Download your eBook now and start your journey to a fitter, healthier you! Follow our YouTube Channel for Exercise Demonstrations: Want to see these exercises in action? Follow our YouTube channel for detailed exercise demonstrations and fitness tips. Subscribe now and never miss a workout!   Most adults can enjoy a variety of safe exercises that will accommodate aging and other physical limitations. Talk with your doctor about your individual needs, and how low impact workouts may help.   Thanks for reading! We’d love to hear your thoughts! Leave a comment and share this post with your friends and followers. Your insights and support make our community stronger.

43 Year Old Dad Bod to Fit Bod: The Transformation Journey Back…Begins

It’s been four years since I last set foot in a gym. Let’s just say that a life-changing event happened, and suddenly, everything was different. Let’s leave it at that. This series of articles documents my journey to getting back into shape as a 43-year-old married man with two kids. As a self-employed individual, I have the flexibility in my schedule to train, although it will require adjustments, including cutting down on sleep. Rocking a dad bod that deeply concerns me (and that is no exaggeration, particularly considering I was in relatively good shape up until my late thirties), recent positive changes in our lives now allow me to commit to training, eating right, and reclaiming my fitness. This article is for both women and men, as I firmly believe that both women and men follow the same principles of nutrition and training, regardless of your experience in the gym or with nutrition. Pin Me With what we have been through, my wife and I know full well that to make the commitment and stick to it, there has to be the financial capacity to do so. I have yet to find a super-cost-effective protein source to give me the daily targets of protein that must be eaten in order to re-composition my body The natural order of things is that an improvement in mental well-being and all-round happiness is a natural by-product of getting physically fit and healthy. The change in diet from eating shitty, sugary, and processed foods to whole foods with a lot of protein, vegetables, and good carbs increases natural energy and negates the afternoon crash associated with sugar and simple carb sources. Now I do have a number of years of training and nutrition experience, so I do not need the services of a personal trainer and so on. The plan and series of article updates I will be writing about will be the most practical and healthiest way to finally stick to a transformation for anyone reading this. This is not about getting on stage and competing. This is not about dieting to point that I cannot function in my everyday life. Bodybuilding is not my career, nor do I long to do competition prep for myself or anyone else. This is about healthier lifestyle choices with food and the discipline to stick to a plan. I do not have a specific goal weight or body fat percentage target in mind. I do not have a time deadline either, so it takes as long as it takes. My big motivation here is just to get fit and healthy and document the process to show it can be done, how it was done, and how long it took. If this series of articles can inspire and help even one other person, that will be a fantastic result, but what I am doing is for my own health and longevity with my beautiful wife and kids. Smoking is the one thing I am not ready to give up, I am not a big drinker so alcohol is really a non-event in our lives, but in phase 2 (the calorie deficit and “cutting phase, alcohol will be an absolute no-go) The pictures below are of my wife in competition. This type of cutting phase is absolutely not on my radar, but a good indication to our readers of what the body can do. A few Pics of Ana Hancock 1. Preparation For phase 1, simplicity is key. Extreme measures are not part of the plan; rather, I aim for sustainable changes that can be maintained indefinitely. Crash dieting is out of the question; I prioritize maintaining my sanity throughout the process. While I haven’t measured my body fat percentage yet, it’s safe to say I’m starting from a hefty base. Meal prep is essential, especially for those with busy schedules. Personally, I prefer to plan and measure my meals on the go. Working from home has its perks, one of which is that my wife, who’s also on this journey with me, is an excellent cook, making meal preparation a breeze. The goal of phase 1 is to focus on muscle gain, with any fat loss being a bonus result of increased protein intake and heavy lifting. More muscle equates to a higher metabolic rate, making subsequent phases easier and yielding quicker visible results. For most, I would suggest this route, unless you are to be married in a couple of months and need to do something extreme for the wedding dress or suit. Tracking calories This will give me the base for the rest of the transformation as I can see from my weight and measurements whether I need to up the calories or drop, and play with the carbs intake. I use the MyFitnessPal app for this (I have no affiliation, just find this to be the easiest). Please be aware this is not 100% accurate. It tracks your carbs, protein and fats accurately in grams but somehow their formula allocates a little too many or too little calories for each. You can subscribe and download my free calorie calculator here. Prioritizing protein intake Cut all sugar completely; no sugary drinks, chocolate (candy), or any other processed sugar, other than scheduled cheat days which are Sundays. Phase 2: This will be scaled way back. Cut out dairy from my daily coffees and switch to almond milk. I will be eating a fair amount of vegetables, namely cauliflower, broccoli, green beans, and salads. Protein will come from ground beef, chicken breast, egg whites, and steak. Fats from the protein sources above, double cream yoghurt, peanut butter, and occasional cheese—if it fits into my daily calories. First meal after 12 p.m. daily. This is not true intermittent fasting as I will be having sweetener with my coffees. This will be monitored and adjusted according to my hunger and recovery. After 2 weeks of phase one I adjusted this to my hunger so I would be having

What Happens When You Do Glute Bridges Every Day? (Hint: It’s Good)

In recent years, fitness enthusiasts and athletes alike have embraced glute bridges as a staple exercise in their routines.  The glutes are the largest muscles in the body, and they help you move your hips and legs. These large muscles support your spine by keeping its natural curves intact as well as supporting other parts of the body such as knees, ankles, and feet while exercising or playing sports. If you spend hours a day sitting and not getting up frequently to move around, you may have experienced a problem commonly known as “dead butt syndrome” (DBS) or “gluteal amnesia . The clinical term for this condition is gluteus medius tendinopathy and is a condition in which the glutes stop firing correctly or at all and become weak. Weak glutes can lead to painful conditions such as lower back pain, IT band syndrome and patellofemoral pain syndrome.  The glute bridge is one of the best exercises that will not only strengthen your glutes but also provide some surprising benefits.                                                                   Pin Me     1. They Help To Improve Your Posture  When you do glute bridges every day you’re strengthening your glutes which helps support your spine and pelvis.  This helps improve your posture and even alleviates pain in the lower back and hips. Glute bridges also stretch out the hip flexors which can tighten from sitting all day.   2. They Strengthen Your Lower Back Your glutes are the main muscles that support your lower back and spine.  By strengthening them you can reduce pain in your lower back and make it easier to lift heavy objects.  By activating the glutes  you’re transferring force from your legs to your core and spine which prevents injuries and increases overall strength in the lower back.   3. They Strengthen Your Knees The glute bridge is an exercise that is often overlooked but is very effective at strengthening the knee.  It helps stabilize the knee joint and promotes proper alignment by engaging the gluteal muscles and the hamstring.  The glute bridge also strengthens the quadriceps muscles that attach to the front of the knee .  As a result, knee pain and overall joint function improves.   4. They Increase Hip Flexibility The hip is a ball and socket joint which means it needs a good range of motion to function properly. Glute bridges increase flexibility and overall mobility by strengthening the muscles around the hip joint.   5. They Increase Your Running Speed Strong legs and glutes are essential for generating power and speed. Glute bridge can increase your running speed by improving hip extension which is important for generating forward momentum when you run.  They strengthen the hamstrings which are responsible for propelling your legs forward and activate the gluteus medius which is a key muscle that stabilizes the hips and helps you maintain your running balance.    6. They Improve Complex Lower Body Strength Training The glutes and leg muscles are the largest and strongest in the body so they play a vital role in movements such as squats and deadlifts. Weak glutes don’t allow enough inner rotation and extension of the hips which is one of the most common problems in these complex exercises.  Strengthening them with glute bridges can improve your performance in these and other exercises. Glute bridges also warm up and activate the gluteal muscles which allows for lower the depth of the squat and effective core cooperation.  7. They are easy to do and can be done at home. You can do glute bridges anywhere and at any time. They don’t require any equipment, so they are easy to learn, and you can do them anywhere you have a bit of space.     8. Conclusion Glute bridges can be performed most days of the week as a way to wake up the glutes. They can become a staple to your exercise or warm up routine as a quick and easy way to gently open up your hips and activate the glutes. You can use a barbell, a dumbbell or a band which will add resistance and allow you to continue to progress as you get stronger.  When performed as a strength exercise, it’s best to have a day or two of recovery time between sessions.    9. Recommended Products 1. Amazon Basics 1/2-Inch Extra Thick Exercise Mat. BUY IT HERE   2. Resistance Bands with Handles for Women, 5 Level Exercise Bands Workout Bands with Door Anchor, Storage Pouch. BUY IT HERE   3. ProForm Adjustable Weight Dumbbells. BUY IT HERE   4. BalanceFrom Anti-Burst and Slip Resistant Exercise Ball BUY IT HERE   5. The Original Body Roller – High Density Foam Roller. BUY IT HERE   10. FAQ’s How do I perform a proper glute bridge exercise? Answer: To perform a glute bridge, lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Keep your arms at your sides, palms down. Lift your hips off the ground by squeezing your glutes and pushing through your heels. Hold the bridge position for a few seconds and then lower your hips back down. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions. Proper form is crucial for maximizing the benefits and preventing injuries.   How many glute bridges should I do each day? Answer: The number of glute bridges you should do daily can vary depending on your fitness level and goals. Beginners may start with 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions and gradually increase as they become more comfortable with the exercise. However, it’s important not to overdo it, and it’s advisable to consult with a fitness professional for personalized recommendations.   Can glute bridges help with weight loss? Answer: While glute bridges are excellent for strengthening the glutes and improving overall body function, they are not a direct weight loss exercise. However, incorporating glute bridges into

The Ultimate Kettlebell Workout: What It Is, Why It Works, and How to Do It Right

In the world of fitness, kettlebell exercises are a revelation, catering to a diverse range of fitness enthusiasts. Whether you’re striving for weight loss, pursuing functional fitness, or dedicated to strength training, kettlebell workouts offer an all-encompassing approach to your fitness goals. This comprehensive guide will immerse you in the universe of kettlebell training, empowering you with the knowledge and routines needed to elevate your fitness journey.                                                                 Pin Me 1. Introduction: Embracing the Kettlebell Revolution Welcome to the ultimate guide to kettlebell fitness. Beyond their unquestionable effectiveness, kettlebell exercises embody the very essence of functional fitness. Their adaptability goes hand in hand with personalized routines, allowing individuals to tailor workouts for their specific fitness objectives.   2. Choosing the Right Kettlebell: Your Foundation for Success Selecting the ideal kettlebell isn’t just about the weight; it’s about finding the perfect balance that aligns with your current abilities and future aspirations. Understanding the intricacies of kettlebell exercises begins with choosing the right kettlebell. Whether you’re a newcomer embarking on a weight loss journey or an experienced enthusiast diving into advanced strength training, your kettlebell selection is paramount.   3. Mastering Kettlebell Exercises: Sculpting Your Body, Elevating Your Health   1. Swings: The Heartbeat of Kettlebell Workouts Kettlebell swings form the cornerstone of impactful kettlebell routines. With each swing, you engage multiple muscle groups, making it an ideal exercise for weight loss and functional fitness. The rhythmic motion of swings not only torches calories but also enhances cardiovascular health, rendering it indispensable in any holistic fitness plan. 2. Turkish Get-Ups: The Art of Functional Strength Mastery of Turkish get-ups is your gateway to functional fitness excellence. This exercise challenges your coordination, strength, and balance, emphasizing the integration of various muscle groups. Through these get-ups, you build not only strength but also resilience, a crucial trait for any fitness journey. 3. Goblet Squats: Building Power, One Squat at a Time Goblet squats epitomize the fusion of strength training and functional fitness. This compound movement engages your core, legs, and glutes, offering a full-body workout experience. For those embarking on a weight loss mission, goblet squats elevate your heart rate, ensuring effective calorie burn during your sessions. 4. Snatches: Elevating Your Heart, Perfecting Your Form Snatches represent the pinnacle of high-intensity kettlebell exercises. In a swift yet controlled motion, you lift the kettlebell overhead, engaging your entire body. This explosive exercise not only promotes functional fitness but also revs up your metabolism, a cornerstone of successful weight loss regimens. 5. Cleans: Sculpting Muscles, Strengthening the Core Cleans epitomize strength training with kettlebells. As you raise the kettlebell from the ground to the rack position, you work your arms, shoulders, and core. These controlled movements foster muscular endurance, ensuring you not only appear strong but also embody genuine functional fitness. As you delve deeper into your kettlebell journey, it’s vital to explore supplementary resources to enrich your understanding and refine your skills. Here are some valuable references: Kettlebell Basics – Explore the fundamentals of kettlebell training. Kettlebell for Weight Loss – Uncover how kettlebells can accelerate your weight loss quest. Functional Fitness with Kettlebells – Discover the synergy between kettlebells and functional fitness. Strength Training Guide for men, and for Women– Gain insights into advanced strength training techniques. Kettlebell Workouts for All Levels – Find customizable routines suitable for every fitness level.     4. Creating Your Bespoke Kettlebell Routine: Your Pathway to Success Empowered with comprehensive knowledge of various kettlebell exercises, it’s time to construct your personalized routine. Whether your fitness goal revolves around weight loss, functional fitness, or strength training, a well-structured routine is your key to tangible results. Let’s explore sample routines tailored to various fitness objectives.   Sample Full-Body Workout for Overall Well-Being Warm-up (10 minutes): Engage in dynamic stretches and body weight exercises. Kettlebell Swings (15 minutes): Follow a 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest pattern. Turkish Get-Ups (10 minutes): Alternate sides, with a primary focus on form. Goblet Squats (12 minutes): Execute controlled, full-range-of-motion squats. Snatches (8 minutes): Integrate high-intensity intervals. Cleans (5 minutes): Concentrate on perfecting the movement. Cool Down (10 minutes): Incorporate static stretches and deep breathing exercises. This full-body regimen incorporates a variety of kettlebell exercises to promote overall fitness, ensuring engagement of every major muscle group while maximizing calorie expenditure. For individuals pursuing weight loss, the inclusion of high-intensity intervals and compound movements is particularly effective.   5. Targeted Strength Training for Sculpted Muscles Warm-up (10 minutes): Initiate with jumping jacks and light cardiovascular activities. Goblet Squats (15 minutes): Gradually increase weight for progressive overload. Cleans (12 minutes): Pay meticulous attention to form, emphasizing controlled movements. Turkish Get-Ups (10 minutes): Enhance stability and focus on balance. Kettlebell Rows (8 minutes): Target back muscles, alternating sides. Plank with Kettlebell Pulls (10 minutes): Engage the core and upper body. Cool Down (15 minutes): Conclude with yoga stretches and deep breathing exercises. This strength training regimen emphasizes controlled movements and targeted exercises. By focusing on kettlebell exercises that promote muscle definition, this routine is ideal for individuals aiming to sculpt their physique.    6. Conclusion: Starting Your Kettlebell Journey In the realm of fitness, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. However, kettlebell training comes remarkably close. Its adaptability, effectiveness in weight loss, promotion of functional fitness, and advancement in strength training make it a holistic fitness tool. As you embark on your kettlebell journey, remember that consistency and dedication are your strongest allies. With the right guidance and your newfound kettlebell expertise, you’re on the path to a healthier, fitter, and more vibrant you. This final draft serves as your launchpad. Customize your kettlebell routine, listen to your body, and celebrate your accomplishments. Your kettlebell adventure awaits – embrace it with enthusiasm, determination, and the enduring spirit of a genuine fitness enthusiast. As you continue your journey, consider

How to Lose Weight and Get Fit with HIIT: The Ultimate Guide

In this dynamic image, you'll discover the 'Ultimate HIIT Guide for Weight Loss and Fitness.' The picture features a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout scene with energetic individuals performing various exercises like burpees, jumping jacks, and kettlebell swings. Sweating it out in a vibrant gym environment, they embody determination and dedication to achieving their fitness goals. This guide promises to be your go-to resource for burning calories, boosting endurance, and sculpting a stronger, healthier you through the power of HIIT

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is not just a workout; it’s a fitness revolution. If you’re looking to shed those extra pounds, boost your cardiovascular health, and enhance your overall fitness level, HIIT is your ultimate ally. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the world of HIIT, covering its benefits, getting started, safety considerations, sample workouts, nutrition, progress tracking, common mistakes to avoid, and frequently asked questions.                                                               Pin Me   1. Benefits of HIIT HIIT is a fitness game-changer. It combines short bursts of intense exercise with brief recovery periods, making every second count. Here are the key benefits: 1. Improved Cardiovascular Health HIIT is like a turbocharger for your heart. It elevates your heart rate, increasing blood flow and improving your cardiovascular health. A strong heart is your foundation for long-term fitness.   2. Increased Calorie Burn If weight loss is your goal, HIIT is your ticket. It torches calories in a fraction of the time compared to traditional workouts. Plus, it boosts your metabolism, helping you burn calories even after your session. 3. Time-Efficient Workouts No more excuses about not having enough time to exercise. HIIT workouts are designed to be short and sweet. You can squeeze a powerful workout into your busy schedule without breaking a sweat over time constraints.   2. How to Get Started with HIIT Starting your HIIT journey is as simple as 1, 2, 3: 1. Preparing for a HIIT Workout Choose your workout location wisely, gather any necessary equipment, and wear comfortable attire. HIIT doesn’t require fancy gear; just a commitment to giving your best effort. 2. Common HIIT Exercises HIIT workouts are versatile. You can incorporate exercises like jumping jacks, burpees, sprints, mountain climbers, and more. Mix and match to keep it exciting. 3. Creating a HIIT Workout Plan Tailor your HIIT plan to your fitness level. Decide on the duration and intensity, and structure your workouts accordingly. Whether you’re a beginner or a fitness enthusiast, there’s a HIIT plan for you.   3. Safety Considerations Safety always comes first. Follow these guidelines for a safe and effective HIIT experience: 1. Importance of Warm-Up and Cool-Down Start with a proper warm-up to prepare your muscles for action. After your HIIT session, cool down to prevent muscle soreness and promote flexibility. 2. Monitoring Intensity Push yourself, but not to the point of exhaustion or injury. Listen to your body. HIIT can be intense, so it’s essential to find the right balance. 3. Injury Prevention Maintain proper form during exercises to avoid injuries. Over time, improper technique can lead to muscle strain or joint problems. Pay attention to your body’s signals.   4. Sample HIIT Workouts   Ready to experience the power of HIIT? Here are some sample workouts to get you started: 1. Beginner HIIT Workout (15 minutes)   Jumping jacks: 30 seconds Push-ups: 30 seconds Squats: 30 seconds Burpees: 30 seconds Rest: 30 seconds Repeat for 3 rounds.   2. Advanced HIIT Workout (30 minutes)   Sprinting: 45 seconds Kettlebell swings: 45 seconds Plank: 45 seconds Box jumps: 45 seconds Rest: 30 seconds Repeat for 4 rounds.   3. At-Home HIIT Routines   Don’t have access to a gym? No problem. HIIT can be done anywhere. Try body weight exercises like lunges, high knees, and mountain climbers in your living room.     5. Tracking Progress Monitoring your progress is key to staying motivated and achieving your fitness goals: 1. Setting Goals Set clear fitness goals for yourself. Whether it’s weight loss, increased endurance, or muscle gain, having objectives will keep you focused. 2. Measuring Fitness Improvements Keep a workout journal to track your achievements. Note improvements in strength, endurance, and overall fitness. 3. Adjusting Your HIIT Routine As you reach your goals, don’t be afraid to adjust your routine. Introduce new exercises, increase intensity, or modify the duration to keep your workouts challenging.   5. Common Mistakes to Avoid To make the most of your HIIT experience, steer clear of these common errors: 1. Over-training Your body needs rest. Avoid over-training, as it can lead to burnout and potential injuries. Give your muscles time to recover and grow. 2. Poor Form Maintain proper form during exercises to prevent injuries. Good form maximizes results and minimizes the risk of strain. 3. Inadequate Recovery Recovery is when your body heals and becomes stronger. Ensure you get enough sleep and prioritize rest days between HIIT sessions.   6. Conclusion High-Intensity Interval Training is your passport to weight loss, improved fitness, and a healthier you. Embrace the challenge, set your fitness goals, and witness the transformation. HIIT is not just a workout; it’s a lifestyle.   7. Additional Resources   For further reading and workout ideas, explore these reputable sources: American Council on Exercise – HIIT Basics National Institute on Aging – HIIT and Older Adults MyFitnessPal – HIIT Workouts     9. FAQs About HIIT Let’s address some common questions: 1. Is HIIT suitable for beginners? Absolutely. Start with shorter, less intense sessions and gradually build up the intensity as you become more comfortable. 2. How often should I do HIIT? Aim for 2-3 sessions per week. Balance is key to preventing burnout and allowing your body to recover. 3. Can I do HIIT with pre-existing injuries? Consult a healthcare professional before starting HIIT if you have injuries. Modify exercises as needed to avoid aggravating existing issues. 4. What’s the ideal HIIT session duration? Most HIIT workouts last between 15 to 30 minutes, making them ideal for busy schedules. 5. Is HIIT safe for all age groups? While HIIT can be adapted to different fitness levels, consult a doctor if you have underlying health concerns before starting.   Now you’re armed with the knowledge to get started on your HIIT journey. Start today, and enjoy the fitness gains that come with it! We’d love to hear your thoughts! Leave